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Stu Larsen : An Interview

Stu Larsen's latest comes after a few years of successful traveling abroad alone with his album Vagabonds. His follow up album Resolute puts Stu traveling across the world to play his songs once again. 

His song 13 Sad Farewells has been played over 600 thousand times on Youtube and has played on many Spotify playlists over the years. 

Who are you and what do you do? 

Stu Larsen playing his guitar - Photo Credit Stu Larsen

I go by the name of Stu Larsen, I write songs and sing them as I travel around the world. 

How long have you been creating music? 

I have been living this way since I quit my job ten years ago. I started creating music when I was eleven years old, but I definitely wasn’t creating anything people would want to listen to back then.. 

Are there any songs that have a very special meaning behind? 

All of them! I can’t think of any of my songs that don’t feel special to me. One in particular, off the new album, is called ‘Chicago Song’ and is a love song for a guitar, even though most people think it’s for a girl.. 

Any stories to share while making the latest album? 

I was flying from London to Sydney to start recording the latest album, I had stopped in Indonesia for a wedding and my appendix burst. I was stranded in an Indonesian hospital for a week or two while my friends started recording the album without me.. I think it turned out alright, so maybe I’ll try do something like this every time… 

What was it like to collaborate and work with Mike Rosenberg (AKA Passenger) 

A dream. He’s phenomenal. We became friends on a Boy & Bear tour seven years ago and then started traveling together. It was just the two of us for two or three years, I would sell his cds, drive the car, take photos and play some songs before him. I feel extremely fortunate to have been able to tag along with Mike and see the world while playing music, and now I’m playing my own shows. He has given me so many amazing opportunities. 

What inspired the name "Resolute" for your latest album? 

It’s from ‘Going Back To Bowenville’ where I say ‘when I was a little boy, I was so shy and resolute’. They may seem like contradictory words, but for me I felt them both when I was a child. I was very shy when I was little, but I also felt like I was firm in what I wanted and what I thought I knew. I also think the word ‘Resolute’ is appropriate again for this period of my life, I’m more firm in who I am and what I am doing. 

Where's the best place you've performed? 

I think the most amazing venue I have performed in might be Trakai Castle in Lithuania, I was supporting Passenger and it just felt like a dream. The castle is on and island in a lake, simply stunning! Though I think my favourite venue in the whole entire world is Caves in Edinburgh, I’ve never played any other venue in Edinburgh because I love it so much. It’s so unique and I hope I can continue to play shows there year after year! 

Stu Larsen - Photo Credit CarstenWindhorst

Stu Larsen - Photo Credit Jack Fenby 


Fun Questions

If you were stuck on an abandoned island what five items would you want with you

My guitar, my camera, a good book, another good book and a never ending bottle of sunscreen… 

If you could meet any musician from history who would it be? 

Ray Charles. He exudes soul. Or Elvis Presley, I was obsessed with when I was a child. 

If you got to vacation in outer space where would you go? 

I think I’d be happy to just float around up there for a while with no plans and no particular routing.. 

If you could have a super power what would it be? 

I would be invisible. I love observing life around me, so to do this without being in the way of anyone would be ideal