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Pitching Tents: An Interview

Jacob Cooney is about to premiere Pitching Tents. It's a fun coming of age story about a group of teenagers that go camping and discover who they are. 

Films website:
Films trailer:
Pitching Tents Facebook:
Pitching Tents Twitter: @PitchingTents84

In LA it will run at Laemmle's Monica Film Center 3/31-4/6 and after that it will open wider. 

Jacob (left) watching the scene on set

Who are you and what do you do?

I am Jacob Cooney, and I am a writer/director.

What is Pitching Tents about? 

“Pitching Tents” is a coming-of-age comedy about a young man who’s about to graduate from high school and is struggling to figure out what he’s going to do with his life. His father wants him to work at the local factory. His guidance counselor wants him to go to college, and he wants to be an artist.

Why did you make this film? 

Having grown up in a small town, the themes of “following your dreams” and “listening to your heart” have always kind of resonated with me. “Pitching Tents” explores these themes, and coupled with the story created by Jayme Petrille and Rob Fox, it really felt like it touched on something personal. We’ve all had those perfect summers, been part of those epic parties, have had first loves… and with all these ideas working in tandem, the film just felt like a nostalgic gem that needed to be told.

What was the production process like? 

Like many, if not all, indie films we shot “Pitching Tents” under limited resources in northern Connecticut. Luckily for us, the producers (Jane Kelly Kosek, Jayme Petrille, Rob Fox and David Gere) really kept the backbone of the production process solid and with the help of the local community in and around Cromwell and Middletown, CT we made the film happen. The cast is phenomenal and they came to work everyday ready to have some fun and create something special.

What challenges did you face in making this film? 

We had a lot of bug filled nights in the woods of Connecticut, so the cast and crew really needed to contend with not only the long days, but also the elements that come with shooting exteriors on muggy summer nights.


What were some of your favorite moments directing? 

I enjoy every moment, but I did have a lot of fun shooting the party sequences. We had a ton of extras, fantastic production design from Joh Kelly and lots and lots of 80s music playing in between takes.

What are some of your influences as a director? 

I’m a huge fan of filmmakers like Frank Darabont, John Hughes, Neil Marshall, Cameron Crowe and Judd Apatow. Not all comedy filmmakers, but filmmakers who can tell stories that are fun while at the same time making you feel something emotionally.

What's next for you? 

Right now I'm writing, pitching and reading a lot of material. Along with
that, I'm in post-production on a new film titled "House Rules", which is
an action thriller set in the world of underground MMA fighting, and have
another film I directed titled "Blue Line" set for release later this year
through Lionsgate Entertainment.


Fun Questions

If you were stranded on an island what five things what would you take with you? 

My wife, my daughter, a cow, a bull and a water filtration system.

If you could have a super power what would it be?

Uhm… maybe the power of flight? … or hulk strength? … can I have both?

If you could travel to any time period where would you go? 

Probably back to when Spielberg, Lucas and all the other greats were just getting into film school. I’d become friends with them ASAP, make some films, and then hopefully ride that film school to Hollywood wave alongside them…

What is your favorite comedy? 

Hmm… good question. I’m a big fan of “Singin’ in the Rain” and do like films like “Knocked Up”, “Say Anything” and “Pretty in Pink”. My most favorite comedy though… I still like “The 40 Year Old Virgin”. Steve Carell is genius.