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American Street Kids: An Interview

I interviewed the director Michael Leoni and masterful storyteller of the documentary American Street Kids. This story talks about the lives of the kids you see but don’t stop to ask their story. These are the kids you see everyday in Los Angeles, CA.


Los Angeles CA  - Laemmle Noho (7pm)

Washington, DC  -  Regal Gallery Place Stadium 14 (7:30pm)

Fort Lauderdale, FL  - Regal Cypress Creek Station Stadium 16 (7:30pm)

Chicago, IL  -  Regal Webster Place 11 (7:30pm)

Casper, WY  -  Fox Theatre (7pm)

Director Michael Leoni

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Michael Leoni. I am a writer, director living in Los Angeles.


What do you love about docu story?

Whether its documentaries or narratives; I just care about telling stories that matter. 


What was the vision behind the cinematography?

To show the harsh truth in a beautiful light. 


Courtesy of Filmmaker

Courtesy of Filmmaker

What was an average day on set?

Courtesy of Filmmaker

There was no average day. It was all hours. It was dangerous. You were either having the most fun of your life, or the most dangerous time.  


How did you find your characters? 

It started with several kids connecting with what we were doing and the message we were trying to get out there. More and more kids started hearing about what we were doing and then it was almost as though they started to find me. 


What is a day on set you loved? 

The day the kids finally trusted me enough to take me to their squat. 


If you could go back and do a retake of a scene would there be one? 

No. There are no retakes with a documentary. You get what you get. 

Courtesy of Filmmaker

Courtesy of Filmmaker


Do you think we as a society can end homelessness? 

Ending is such a tough word. I think there will always be homelessness, unfortunately, but I think there are things we can do to help homeless youth. 

Courtesy of Filmmaker

Courtesy of Filmmaker


How long did it take you to make this film? Pre to post

Six years


Fun questions

If you were stranded on an abandoned island what five items would you have with you? 

My five friends that I know could get me off the island. 


If you could travel in time to shoot a doc where would it be? Who would you talk to? 

I would want to talk to Mike Nichols, near the end of his career.