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Ode to 2017

An Ode To 2017

To Cold nights,

To Warm summers,

To writing pages in a hotel room,

To fuzzy pineapple slippers and empty bars alone,

To the solace of quiet and contemplative thoughts, 

To phoenix, a happy accident and harry potter. 


To learning to love alone,

And knowing the difference between that and everything else. 

To more monthly hits and greater oceans leaped,

To many weekends indoors sitting on the couch,

To essays, classes and no social life.


To the little white church and new kinds of family, 

To revelations, honest prayer and damn commitment,

To fear, and misdirection and all that is apart of the life kid.


To sweat stained couches, 

To laundromats for the last time this year,

To car parks and creepy alleys, 


To FaceTime chats,

To phones being stuck in pockets and new family histories,

To walking around neighborhoods and a movie buddy, 


To boba, sushi and downtown LA ramen,

To food trucks, finally good beer, and a group of friends,

To monthly writer meetings and moving on.


To packing my life up in boxes,

To never wanting to leave this hot bed,

To staring up at the ceiling, while my friends pack my life away,

To mimosa’s and wine in red solo cups, 


To 3000 plus miles in the bag,

To four weeks that forever changed my life,

To taking a chance and never looking back.


For living my best life,

To new friends who are seriously the smartest people on a level I’ll never understand, 

To old friends becoming new again and realizing we are just picking up where we left off, 

To Zunizi’s, the Fleet Foxes, my girl who got me through the last two years of my life.


To getting caught in the rain, and seeing snow for the first time,

To going down sideways streets,

To not being able to pronounce a god damn city name.


To Thanksgivings that are too good for words, 

To a Black Friday that will never be forgotten,

To a tiny thai restaurant that I felt like I spent hours in.


To laughing out loud for what seemed like ever,

To finding the best wine in the world because you let me take a chance,

To letting the end of one thing be the beginning of something else. 


To gaining three new sisters that I never asked for,

But always had wanted. 

To my first new years kiss and dancing like I’ve never danced before. 


To you 2017.

It’s time I move on. 

Don’t look back. 

It only gets better from here.