Alina Chong: An Interview

Alina is awesome and a very talented designer. She and I used to be roommates when I was living in Boston. Recently she started a business creating hilarious and cute images on stickers. Here’s my interview with her below. 

Check out Shop Choobi HERE 

Check out more of her other work HERE


Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Alina Chong, and I am a junior art director by day and a cute merch maker by night!

How did you come up with the shop name?


My illustration style can be best described as “cute.” “Choobi” means “cute” in Hokkien (the Chinese dialect my Malaysian parents speak.)

What is your favorite sticker design you’ve made so far?

My favorite is “Sad Pup.” I think he’s a good representation of my shop / my own personal brand. You can be emotional and vulnerable, and that’s ok- you look cute doing it!

Why stickers?

As a constant doodler, it is a quick and easy product that brings 2D to life! It’s also affordable, but can still be high quality and personable which I would find appealing as a customer.

Where do you get the stickers printed?

I have been using from the beginning. Their customer service is lovely, the products are great quality, and they often have promotions.

Where did you go to school?

I attended Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, in their Communications Design program.

Can you make it as an artist without going to college? If you could go back in time would you do it all over again?

You definitely can. Talent can’t be taught, but school is a good place to meet other people who are hungry and inspiring. It’s also a great place to make connections and learn about the industry. But if you’re inherently a social/ambitious person, I’m sure you can hustle outside of art school.


What is next in the line for shop choobi?


More products!

What is one success you’ve had so far with shop Choobi and what’s is one thing you’ve learned so far?

I designed a sticker design for a song I really like, and by some fortune- one of my friends knew the co-writer of the song! I was able to send them my stickers and it’s just so cool to have my art acknowledged by someone like that.


What do you love about design and illustration?

It’s the easiest way for me to express what’s going on in my mind. Or how I want to see the world. It’s also amazing to create something people can find relatable and then connect through that.


But another huge success and something I learned is how sweet, welcoming, and helpful the small biz community is- especially on IG! You make friends and share helpful tips and support each other and it’s overall a super inspiring community.

Fun questions

If you could have a sleepover with Disney princesses who would you invite over?

I would invite Rapunzel! We can sing and paint together all day.

If you were stuck on an abandoned island what five items would you have?

Oh I’m not good at these kinds of questions. If it was more about seclusion > survival, probably a lot of music or movies I can just rewatch like Scott Pilgrim. If it’s about survival, I’d go crazy regardless of what I brought.

Who is your favorite anime character?

Mako Mankanshoku from Kill la Kill is my best girl, so much that I made her a sticker design! I love any good girl/boy who is just too pure.

What is one year in time you wish you could go back to?

My senior year of college was quite fun. And the summer after I had annual passes to Disneyland, Universal Studios, and the SD Zoo. So, 2017.

What is your favorite drink at Starbucks?

I don’t drink coffee, so some sort of tea lemonade is lovely!

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